- syncosync also on Banana Pi M1 Provon steviehs
As we have started now 6 years ago with syncosync, it was time to give our love back to the boards which made their jobs quite well at this time… the LeMaker Banana Pi M1 Pro. The main reason to choose them is the onboard SATA.
Now, how does it work? Oh, it is approx 5 times slower than a Raspberry Pi 4, but it works, and is useable.
The bananapi images will now be built alongside with the Raspberry Pi 4 images. They are based on Armbian. You can find them on https//downloads.syncosync.org
- Announcement in Duplicati Forumvon steviehs
To spread the news of syncsoync I have posted an announcement in Duplicati’s Forum (https://forum.duplicati.com/t/announcement-syncosync-backup-appliance/).
If you have any requests about syncosync, please ask ins syncosync’s forum: https://forum.syncosync.org/
- Announcement on duplicity mailing listvon steviehs
To spread the news of syncsoync I have posted an announcement on duplicity’s mailing list (https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/duplicity-talk/2022-03/msg00001.html).
If you have any requests about syncosync, please ask ins syncosync’s forum: https://forum.syncosync.org/